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StoneX One Blog

Your source for futures tips, trends, and insights to optimize your trading strategy.

Futures Markets

Understanding Market Correlations

A market correlation is a measure, statistical or observational that identifies a positive or negative link between the pricing of multiple assets....

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Trading Strategy

What Is It Like Being a Trader

The profession of trader is unlike any other in society. The hours are unconventional, pay varies greatly, and performance is always under the...

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Futures 101

Futures Trading Trend Analysis 101: Death Cross versus the Golden Cross

A key aspect of any approach to futures trading is trend analysis. Being able to identify when a directional move in price is gaining steam or...

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Trading Strategy

Futures Trading 101: Market Slippage

In the arena of futures trading, the cost of doing business is fairly straightforward. Exchange and clearing fees, as well as brokerage commissions,...

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Futures Trading

Understanding How to Use Bollinger Bands

Developed by John Bollinger in the 1980s, Bollinger Bands (BBs) are a popular public domain technical tool for active futures traders. No matter your...

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Futures 101

3 Easy Ways to Learn Futures Trading

When it comes to active trading, the learning curve is steep, and time is money. Getting up to speed as quickly as possible may be the most important...

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Futures 101

Which Stop Loss Order Is Best for Your Strategy?

As any veteran trader will tell you, having your stops run is not a pleasant experience. However, it doesn’t need to be a financial disaster. While...

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Futures Markets

Are the Futures Markets Efficient?

According to the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH), the financial markets are methodical systems specializing in the valuation of assets. Under EMH,...

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Futures 101

How to Start a Career in Commodity Trading

The world’s commodity markets are exciting arenas specializing in the trade of earthborn raw materials. However, be aware: Commodity trading can be a...

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Futures 101

All Futures Brokers Are Not Equal

Although the exchanges being traded are the same, all futures brokers are not equal. Some excel in specific areas, such as pricing and technology,...

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